Friday 28 April 2017

Here is how an advertising agency in India makes an ad

No company or an big reputed organisation can hype their market standards without promoting which can be done by the advertising agencies in India. According to me even a very small grocery store cannot make their business, without getting noticed by everyone. Have your observed? even a small house owner intimates to his neighbours and the known people to fill their vacant houses. This is also a kind of advertising so, do you understand, what are the big benefits of advertising? If your answer is no, then let me explain you the main deeds of advertising agencies. For example let us consider a Advertising Agency in Delhi, they will first take all the requirements of the client, for example if the client’s product is a toothpaste, and the company wants to promote it wide range, then the ad agency first gathers its staff and announces about the inputs and then initiates the strategy of making an ad.

As the ad is for tooth paste, ad agency chooses a kid and mother as the suitable actors to start the ad. Because, toothpaste is the kind of product which is used by everyone daily. So, basically it’s a known fact that, kids doesn’t maintain any restrictions in their food habits so, almost kids who are less than 12 years, their teeth will be decayed. So, kids are perfectly apt to this ad and mother is the pivotal role in this ad because she has to find the decayed teeth of her son and she has to consult the doctor and then doc suggests the client’s toothpaste. This is the main theme of this ad. Even many advertising agencies in Delhi follows the same type of traditional methods for their clients advertisements. Finally, ad agency executes the final plan. This involves shooting of the entire advertisement with these three characters, doctor, kid and mother. Adding the perfect dialogues and background music will stand major part of advertisement’s success.

Starting from very small advertising agency in india to top most one, almost all the ad agencies tends to follow some basic traditional methods such as promoting through newspapers and pamphlets. Are you looking to make advertisement of your company that too in unique way? Desiring to have all the public’s eyes on your ad? want to make your company’s unique mark in the current trending market? for all these questions, there is only one perfect answer – it is Sarojads. We at Sarojads have hands on experience of 26 years and we can understand your better than any other. Just log on to and fulfill your dreams with us.

Thursday 27 April 2017

What is the job of Ad Agency

It’s a common knowledge that, an ad agency makes an utmost effort to promote a company or product or a service of its client. But, what are the inner practices of ad agency and secret behind the success of an ad agency compared to other is only known to few people. Ok, for an example let us consider an Ad Agency in Bangalore, like today’s companies most of them will have their own ad agency internally which can promote the company or its services in order to grab the potential customers towards it. But, based on the product or services, first it employs the different strategies for promoting it. Most of the ad agencies follows divide and rule policy which means, they will first divide the classes of people which is upper, lower and middle and depending up on the requirement of a product for those people from their client, they will analyze and finalize a strategy, which can grab the attention of targeted customers towards it. For example, if the product is about toys, then they will design such a plan or ad that, kids or middle age people can easily get attracted towards it. Generally, to the steal the concentration of kids, an ad agency has to create such an advertisement that, it should be very simple to understand and very interesting to watch for kids.

Ad Agency in Chennai too implements the same kind of strategies to bag the concentration of maximum number of public. As Chennai is the place of different ethnics, more people are from lower middle class, one can easily attract the attention of public by just explaining the uses of the product or service in simple language by giving advertisements and sharing pamphlets starting from a street to entire city and finally given mock presentations in malls which is the place of having all classes of people over there. Whereas, an Ad Agency in Hyderabad has several ways to attract the public’s view on the product or service of their client depending the location where they want to promote it.

If they want to promote their client’s output in a wide range from Television, then they first have to target the youth. Yes! if they see a product or service, which impress them a lot, they won’t lose their hope till they achieve it. That too if an ad agency has succeeded to satisfy a youth by their ad, then it can manage to satisfy the lower age group and higher age group people because, youth are the one who are present between both higher and lower age groups. Do you want to publish your ad? having desire to promote your company or service? Want to make your own ad? Just log on and full fill your dreams with us.

Monday 24 April 2017

The history of television ads

A television advertisement consists of brief advertising spots of 10-second spot, 20-second spot to several minutes. The ads that last several minutes are called infomercials. Advertising has seen the transition from advertisements on papyrus leaves in ancient Greece and ancient Rome to the ads on walls through rock paintings in ancient Asia, Africa or other parts of the world dates back to 4000 BC. With the invention of paper in 105 AD, the advertisement has shifted its base to paper. And from paper to hoardings to print media to television ads it has been a long journey for the world of advertisement.

In fact without advertising you cannot even sell a hairpin, a pencil or a needle. Such is the power of advertisement and its influence on human minds. The more the ad is powerful, the more the ad leaves a deep impact on human minds calling him into action. A successful ad should change the buying profile of the consumers and compel them buy the one that the ad suggests.

Television ads leave a deep impact on the audiences changing their buying profile and tastes. When television was in its nascent stage in the early 1930s, it foresaw the advent of television ads and its deep impact on the viewers. Not until 1941, the first commercial was telecast on American TV. It was a simple television commercial that was aired on July 1st 1941 over New York station WNBC. It was telecast before a baseball game between Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. The ad ran like this. A picture of a clock was placed on a US map and the voiceover said, “America runs on Bulova time.” This 10-second spot which cost the watch company some $4 to $9 was an instantaneous hit with the viewers. Likewise the first television ad was broadcast in UK on 22nd September 1955 over ITV. The ad was Gibbs SR Toothpaste. While the first television ad in Asia was broadcast in Tokyo on August 28th 1953. The commercial was Seiko (then Seikosha), a clock that displayed the current time in the commercial.

Ever since, the television advertising has never looked back. Television advertising has become the mainstay of the business world. They clung to it to sell their products and services. Lots of creativity has flown under the waters since then. With television advertising companies mushrooming around the world, there is not a home which is not spared of commercial ads. Such is the popularity of commercial ads on television. Today, television advertisement is a trillion dollar business around the world.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Utilization of Information in advertising

Information is power. Without information the world does not exist. Information comes in varied forms like news, opinions, interviews, text, videos, written communiqué or spoken word. In fact, the world is encapsulated in information. Which is why, Frederick Forsyth, the famous bestselling internationally reputed author says in one of his books that Information is power. Having information is far better than having weapons and deploying that power at a right place, right time and in the right amount would win the war. He is absolutely right. Advertising agencies which uses information as effectively as they could and in a correct and effective manner are sure-shot winners.

Advertising Agency in Bangalore is of various kinds. And every advertising format uses information as effectively as it could. To dig into the information, lot of research has to go into it. And making the best of that information into powerful copy is an altogether a different art. A powerful copy should call consumers into action rather than feeling that the ad’s copy is simply the best. The ad copy should be fair and honest in describing the product and it should be made in a convincing manner. If the ad copy is powerful and effective quite complementing the image in the advertisement, only then the print media campaign becomes successful.

Well, coming to advertising, print media plays equally responsible role in ad campaigns. Print media consists of newspapers, magazines, and journals and works effectively as advertising campaign. Advertisements in print media stay longer than the TV commercials and radio spots as they are booked on the basis of a 10-second, 20-second, and 30-second or 2-minute slot. Ads in print media stay longer and allow the readers go through the ad a number of times.

The ads in newspapers, magazines, and journals reach the customers in an effective way. The print media ad campaign is also economical and cheaper than comparatively television ads and radio spots. Still radio spots and television ads are for one time booking. Several big-time ads published in the print media have made it big in the brand world. Such flexibility and adaptability of the newspapers, magazines and journals makes the ad campaigners to choose exactly the right print media for their brand or products.

Saroj Ads, one the best ad agencies in India, having branches in Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and New Delhi has handled several print media campaigns effectively that yielded tremendous results for the products and the brands, which ultimately saw the smiles on the faces of their clients.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

What is advertising campaign? Tips for effective ad campaign

Do you own a business. No matter what is its magnitude. It requires advertising to reach its objectives, to acquire the attention of the targeted customers. It is possible to reach a large number of targeted audiences through an advertising campaign. An advertising campaign found to help a lot in reaching a large number of targeted audiences. The advertising campaign is the advanced method of advertising. Since advertising campaign is known as an advanced method of advertising. Let us start to know what is advertising and what are the advanced methods of advertising to end with the advertising campaign and tips for an effective advertising campaign which are the objectives of this article.


Advertising Agency in India or traditional advertising is a marketing communication made to acquire the attention of the targeted audience or consumers. Since the traditional advertising proved to reach more number of targeted audiences, advanced methods of advertising found to be more promising to reach the objectives of a business within the specified interval of time. Similar to any field related to business, advertising also adopted new technologies to reach more people and  referred as online advertising.

Online advertising

Online advertising can be known as the advanced method of advertising. Since advertising is a form of communication made through traditional media to gain the attention of the targeted audience. The online advertising uses internet to communicate the promotional content to get the attention of the targeted audience. It includes email marketing, search engine marketing (SEM), social media marketing along with many types of display advertising such as web banner advertising and mobile advertising. What ever may be the form of advertising either traditional or advanced, it is nothing but communicating a message about the product or service. As the distinction between traditional advertising and online advertising has been discussed. Next is advertising campaign or ad campaign, which is an another advancement in advertising. An ad campaign differs to have a theme and time frame from traditional advertising or online advertising. So let us go forward to know advertising campaign and tips for an effective ad campaign.

Advertising campaign

Since the word, campaign, refers to a series of operations done in an organized way to achieve a goal. An ad campaign or advertising campaign is also a series of advertisement messages communicated to share a single idea and theme of the business which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC). More briefly, an Advertising Agencies campaign is a series of marketing communications or advertisements that provide promotional messages with a theme for  a specific interval of time. As the theme and time frame are the two qualities of an ad campaign that makes it different from all other forms of advertising. Determination of a theme for the advertising campaign is the critical part in ad campaigns. The theme is expected to set a tone for the individual advertisement. The theme of an ad campaign is nothing but the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities. The campaign themes are usually developed with an intention to run an ad campaign for a specified period of time. But many of the ad campaigns are found to be short-lived or run for short durations due to the factors such as  ineffective theme or fluctuating market conditions and / or competition in the marketplace and marketing mix. So let us discuss about tips for an effective ad campaign.

Tips for effective ad campaign

Since the main objective of the advertising or ad campaign is to gain the attention of the targeted audience. Few of the important tips to run an ad campaign effectively are shown below.
Identify the targeted audience and design the ads to attract them or to gain their attention.
Concentrate to show all the benefits of the product through an ad or through a series of ads.
Focus to get the maximum exposure of the image you have or create an image for the firm or business, if you don’t have already and get  required exposure.
Spend money on the ad campaign to earn money in return, there should not be any constraint to invest money on it to reach its objectives.
Do some research to find the right place or space of interest of the targeted audience and advertise in the right place only
Prepare a budget plan to run an ad campaign most effectively.
Run an ad campaign through all channels that expected to reach a more targeted audience
Concentrate to attract the targeted audience only, if you are the owner of a small business. Since no product gets the attention of all the audience.
Review the results of the ad campaign to know whether it is reaching the targeted people or not.
Monitor the status of the ad campaign by asking new customers about your ads and interesting things in your advertisements.

Monday 17 April 2017

How Print Advertising Agencies in India plays vital role in any business development?

Nowadays, establishing a company has became easy but promoting it and making the customers to have a look on the company and its product is the toughest task hence, nowadays, no company or the organizations are taking the risk of promoting it. They are just consulting the advertising agencies to promote their companies, brands and products. Among them, Print Advertising Agencies in India plays a major role in promoting the brand of a company to a wider extent. Have you ever observed the advertisements which looks more colorful will attract us more. As the technology is taking new shades everyday, there are advertising companies which comes with innovative ideas for the promotional purposes of their clients companies. As we all know, the first impression is the best impression, previously, a Print Advertising Agencies in Bangalore has started advertising a company in a pamphlets with attractive looks such as colorful borders and eyeball grabbing designs which hypes the curiosity of the reader to read the content inside the pamphlet.

Have you heard about social media promotions ever? if you have observed the sides of your social networking accounts, you can see too many ads which ensures you about the new releases (products or items) of the company. This is called social media advertising and in many areas like Metropolitan cities based on social media, many businesses are running and developing their era’s in wide manner. As Delhi is our capital city, we can get small product starting from hairpin to aeroplane over there. As I told you previously, every business needs promotion for its development, there are whooping amount of Print Advertising Agencies in Delhi. Depending up on the requirement of the client and company, each advertising agency draws a rough sketch and later takes various ideas from their creative designers and finally prepares a perfect sketch of final plan and then they executed it.

Even after making a perfect sketch, each advertising agency cross check their plans which are to be implemented as the final output to the customers. As their promotional strategies should increase their client companies business results, each advertising or print advertising agency will make sure that, their final sketch should bring maximum number of customers to their ad techniques which directly gives results to their client companies. Do you want to make an exclusive ad with awesome eyeballs grabbing appearances? don’t wander here and there and fall in trap. Just logon to and make your dreams come true with us.

Friday 14 April 2017

Different types of Advertising Techniques

Before going to know about different types of advertising techniques, it is must for us to know what is advertising. Since advertising is defined as a form of marketing communication used to acquire the attention of consumers. It is required to promote a product or service offered in a business.

History of advertising

The history of advertising dates back to 3000 BC, when Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Later the method of advertising changed its way from using papyrus to communicate the messages. Thomas J. Barratt, from London has been called “the father of modern advertising”. Barratt created an effective advertising campaign for the products of Pears Soap Company, which involved the use of targeted slogans, images and phrases. One of the Barratt slogans is, “Good morning, Have you used Pears soap?” which became popular during the 19th century. Barratt used different tactics to associate the Pears brand with high culture and quality. Similarly, advertising was practiced using different tactics during the early 20th century. Advertising increased dramatically in the United States due to industrialization that expanded the supply of manufactured products. Industries recruited workers as consumers of factory products in order to profit from this higher rate of production. It did so through the invention of mass marketing designed to influence the population’s economic behaviour on a larger scale.  Advertisers in the United States of America have adopted the doctrine that human instincts could be targeted and harnessed into the desire to purchase commodities. Edward Bernays, a nephew of Sigmund Freud, is often considered as the founder of modern advertising as he associated with such type of advertising method during 1910′s and 1920′s. Later the psychologists Walter D. Scott and John B. Watson contributed applied psychological theory to the field of advertising after Bernays. The first radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers during 1920′s. After that advertising techniques changed to use Television technology, the Internet and mobile technology.  We can observe advertising has always required a medium to communicate the message irrespective purpose.

Types of advertising

There are different types of advertising methods and techniques. It is good to remember that advertising is widely used for commercial use than for social cause since its origin. As advertising requires a medium or media, commercial advertising media include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards and forehead advertising, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes (“logojets”), in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping cart handles (grabertising), the opening section of streaming audio and video, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Different techniques involved in advertising include Television advertising / Music in advertising, Infomercials, Radio advertising, online advertising, Domain name advertising, new media. Similarly, different techniques used in advertising commercial products include covert advertising, Press advertising, Billboard advertising, Mobile billboard advertising, In-store advertising, Coffee cup advertising, Street advertising, Sheltered outdoor advertising, Celebrity branding, customer-generated advertising and Aerial advertising.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Add Value To Your Product Through Advertising Agencies

Advertising a product and the promotions ​are changed these days and advertising agencies in India are following the latest promotions ​techniques ​to create ​awareness about ​a​ product. In other words, Advertising means promoting the value of a brand. It is not an easy thing to promote a product in the market and to gain the attention of the audience. Advertising Agency In Hyderabad will make this happen through their advertisement techniques. These agencies will follow two major mediums for advertising, offline and online mediums. Usually,​ the online medium means advertising through the internet and traditional medium means advertisement through TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.

Now, Ad Agencies in Bangalore plays a key role in the brand promotion and they will help to create ​a ​brand awareness about ​a product in the market. Online ad agencies use various tools like search engine optimization, banner ads, blog marketing, e-mail marketing for brand promotion. Therefore, you need to team up with ​the ​online advertising agencies in Vijayawada for better results. It is very important to select ​a correct creative Ad Agency In India​ in order​ to increase the maximum response from the audience. Mainly, advertising agencies in India choose Television commercials​, which is one of the best ways to promote a product. Ad Agencies try to advertise a product through ads and innovative strategies, because they help to gain the attention of audience. Advertising always carry a positive message about ​a product/services.

Your product will get the attention of the audience, if it is promoted in a creative way. Endorsing a product with the celebrities who are very popular ​,​ will be added an advantage. But, the ad must be very short and product description must be exact. If a product gets noticed in the market, the sale of the product will be increased immediately. Advertising agency in Hyderabad follows the best advertising methods and techniques to reach the consumer effortlessly. They will use advanced techniques, technology and ideas to interact with the people and they will create an awareness message about the product.

Saroj Ads is one of the top Advertising Agencies In Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai And Delhi ​, who​ frequently works to implement those creative ideas and work to develop the brand of your product. We offer the different types of creative ideas for business promotions at reasonable prices. We have been designing niche markets for several clients with its effective ad campaigns. Our professional and dedicated team brings tremendous results for the products and brands, which ultimately saw the smiles on the faces of our clients.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Role of Advertising in Business Promotion.

Advertising plays key role in the business promotion to increase sales for a product, service, idea or event. It maximizes the profits on a business product or service through customer attention in different ways. It can be defined in several ways. But the best suit definition of the advertising is “a non personnel communication of information usually displayed or provided with an aim to create awareness on a service or product to influence the strategy of the targeted audience”.

It remained as an important component in business promotion of a firm or agency even in the era of online communications and digital technology, either it is big or small. The person whose objectives are met through advertising is known as an advertiser. There are different types of methods discovered and developed to meet the objectives of the advertiser (client or manufacturer or investor). It can be done some times by an ad agency to promote a business service on behalf of a client. Cave paintings in some way represented advertising in ancient days. Advertising done by Egyptians on papyrus can be recognized as the earliest version of it. Advertiser is different from advertising agency, because he is the key person who invests on an advertisement to reach his aim of business.

Different types of advertising methods can be listed as Print, Guerrilla, Broadcast, Outdoor, Public Service, Product Placement, Cell Phone or Mobile and Online Advertising (aka Digital) etc. Advertising can be done through advertisements.

An advertisement can be defined as a written statement or a multimedia message (audio, video or audio –video content or a graphic image etc) communicated to attract the attention of the public on something related to them. For example commercial advertisements are played to attract the attention of the customer towards the audio or video or multimedia content on a product or service to influence his purchase strategy or his view on a product or service.

Advertising will influence the business in different ways. Advertising time, space, duration and its content plays major role in the promotion of a business. Advertising is a best choice to earn maximum profits for a long time on a product or service within short interval of time after its launch in the open market.

Saroj Ads is an advertising agency that adopted cutting edge technology of multimedia, digital technology and online communication technology along with all sorts of advertising technologies to promote a business service or product in the markets in and around India. Saroj Ads got the expertise to promote any business through different business promotion services. Some of the business promotion services of Saroj Ads include Ad Films Production, Graphic Designing, Print, TV and Theatre, Professional Photography, Customer Acquisition Marketing, Event Management, Customer Retention Marketing and Public Relations etc.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

Ad agency plays vital role in the business development!

Population across the globe is rapidly increasing day by day. This is tending to increase the new business organizations from the public in order to survive. When a company or any organization desires to expand their business era, the main concept which comes into light is advertisement. Yes! advertisement plays a vital role in promoting business and earn more profits. Let’s consider an Ad Agency in India, where it takes up a company’s promotional job and promotes it in such a way that, the particular company grabs huge audiences attention which is required to gain huge profits. Hence, an ad agency plays a vital role in promoting any business. It’s a known fact to everyone that, a metropolitan city can fulfil the basic and major necessities of public. India has many major metro cities, like Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore is important in one among them. Hence, there are many advertising agencies in Karnataka. When a town transfers from a big city and converted into a metropolitan city, public who are living in those cities wanted to mark their presence by expanding or establishing their new business.

This requires stuff like promotion and other basic techniques which can aware the public about their businesses. It’s a known fact that, one can know about you and your business, only when you have proper identity and recognition in the society. All these will be provided by the advertising agencies where they can easily take your business to everyone’s notice by the special promotional and other activities. It’s a known fact that, the film industry was located in Chennai first. As, Chennai is well developed now by many industrialists and government, Film Production Companies in Chennai are also rapidly increasing there.

Monday 10 April 2017

How to launch a product effectively and successfully

You have a product that is to be launched into the market to capture the customers for it. How do you do it? You have all the resources and finances at your disposal, yet you do not know how to win the customers. For established eminent big companies product launch seems to be a kite flying for them; whereas for the relatively small or unknown companies product launch is a big daunting task. If they are inexperienced, they are sure to close shop before it is open; which goes to say that before the product is launched they have to shut down their companies for mismanaging the product launch. What is the solution in this case? Ad agencies are the best solution as for as the product launch is concerned. Ad agencies are equipped with all the necessary creativity, marketing strategies and logistics, the right kind of creative professionals and marketing experts that can handle your products launch in an effective way successfully pulling consumers towards your brand of products.

Still let us consider what goes into product launching. How’s the market demand for the new product or that of the products similar to yours? To find answers to these questions market research has become imminent. Once the market research is done based on the products’ USP and its qualities, then the style and kind of advertising campaign should be chosen. There are lots of advertising vehicles to choose from. Right from hoardings advertising to brochures to ad films to radio spots, digital marketing, print ads, theater ads, cinema slides, brand building strategies, media design and buying, advertising on the net, having blogs and a website, public relations and other aspects of advertising strategies and logistics help in launching a product successfully and effectively. Another aspect to be considered in choosing the right kind of advertising vehicle is your budget. A product launching company has to draw its advertising budget and choose the kind of advertising the product befits its launching.

Once the ad budget is decided, once the product is launched, and the customers start trickling in, one needs to concentrate on how to retain those customers. This is what is exactly called customer retention market. This is an altogether a different subject and a different kind of advertising campaign is needed.

Once the product is gaining good response in the marketplace, to sustain its value and credibility in the market, one needs to build a brand image for the product so that the consumers should remember the product for the long time to come. From product launch to customer acquisition to customer retention to brand building is a long way that only advertising agencies of the caliber of Saroj Ads dare to tread the path in the interest of its client’s products.

Friday 7 April 2017

Importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media

Most of the business entrepreneurs believe that advertising on TV and Radio is beyond price range. But the fact is, advertising on local stations is an affordable one. Though the price range of national TV advertising is beyond the entrepreneur’s budgets, cost of advertising on cable television is affordable. It is important to remember by small-business owners that advertising on TV and radio generates more customers than any other type of advertising campaign. The key is to have a clear understanding of the market.

With proper planning small-business owners can approach broadcast advertising media for business promotion. It is also important to know more about media before reaching the broadcasting agency, and the only way for you to know about media is talking to a lot of people such as representatives from TV and radio stations, other business owners and your customers. Before going to understand the importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media, let us first know a few details about advertising on Radio and TV.

Advertising on Radio

Radio Advertising started from the year 1920, when so many non-profit organizations established their own radio stations including schools, clubs and civic groups. People were allowed to sponsor programs on Radio channels, whose business details will be mentioned at the beginning and at the end of the sponsored shows in exchange. Later Radio station owners allocated short duration of time to mention the business details of the person for an amount of money, when they realized that they could earn more money by selling the sponsorship rights in small time allocations, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single business per show. This method led to increase the competition among the sponsoring persons to purchase the small intervals of time during a show on Radio channels. However, advertising on Radio stations helped the business owners to get maximum exposure to their business, as there was no other media to influence the people like Radio. Though, the Radio broadcasting technology faced competition from other media such as Television. Advertising on Radio remained a good option for the small business owners.

Advertising on Television

The trend of advertising has changed after the invention of the Television.  Business owners started advertising on commercial television platforms in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The DuMont Television Network started the practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors in the early 1950s. The ‘DuMont Television Network’ began selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses to compensate the production cost of different programs shown on it. This eventually became the standard for the commercial television industry in the United States. This method led the business sponsors to get control over the content of the show. The sponsors got the control over Television Networks in such a way to write the show. Though advertising on Television became expensive due to increasing competition among the business owners. It remained as a better option for business owners.

Advertising on Radio or Television Networks is a best option for the small business owners also due to the competition between different Radio and Television Networks established in the last decade.

Though, there are different methods available to promote a business and practice advertising. TV and Radio became the two options that a small business owner having proper knowledge about them can practice advertising through them.

Thursday 6 April 2017

Ad agency satisfies all the business needs!!

Whatever business you do without promotion, your business will be of zero value. This is where Ad Agency comes into picture. An ad agency takes all your promotional burden and advertisement efforts of your company and promotes in such a range that, you need not waste your time on planning the promotional activity of your business. Do you know, nowadays, all the ad agencies are getting down into sophisticated promotional methods, to reach the mark. For example, making campaigns on the social media platforms are grabbing huge attention of public. Because, today’s generation public are spending most amount of their time on the social media platforms by chatting with their dear ones and browsing on all the social platforms which consists of lot of useful stuff. So, by making social campaigns and posting ads on it, one can increase their identity to wide manner because the social platforms connect the people across the globe.

Do you know, as the population across the globe is increasing day by day, people are looking for better house, better life and better business. Hence there are whopping amount of Media Designing Services across the globe. Whatever kind of media design services it may be, it has its own mark in the society. A media design service will offer you different types of promotional methods and strategies that too in unique and attractive way. Whatever we do, it should be in creative way right? That is why there are lot of demand for Creative Ad Agency in Bangalore. The secret behind taking the name of Bangalore is, it is not only just a capital of Karnataka but, one of the biggest metropolitan cities in India.

Bangalore stands as number one in literacy and employment. Yes! according 2008 census, Bangalore has 13 million literate youth. We all know that, this city stands as biggest IT hub for all the today’ youth. Hence, there are many new business organisations which are evolving and establishing day by day. Promoting every business is not an easy task right? So, if you want to make your business to reach most amount of public just log on to and bag exclusive deals with us.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

This is how Ad agency plays vital role in the business development!

Population across the globe is rapidly increasing day by day. This is tending to increase the new business organizations from the public in order to survive. When a company or any organization desires to expand their business era, the main concept which comes into light is advertisement. Yes! advertisement plays a vital role in promoting business and earn more profits. Let’s consider an Ad Agency in India, where it takes up a company’s promotional job and promotes it in such a way that, the particular company grabs huge audiences attention which is required to gain huge profits. Hence, an ad agency plays a vital role in promoting any business. It’s a known fact to everyone that, a metropolitan city can fulfil the basic and major necessities of public. India has many major metro cities, like Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore is important in one among them. Hence, there are many advertising agencies in Karnataka. When a town transfers from a big city and converted into a metropolitan city, public who are living in those cities wanted to mark their presence by expanding or establishing their new business.

This requires stuff like promotion and other basic techniques which can aware the public about their businesses. It’s a known fact that, one can know about you and your business, only when you have proper identity and recognition in the society. All these will be provided by the advertising agencies where they can easily take your business to everyone’s notice by the special promotional and other activities. It’s a known fact that, the film industry was located in Chennai first. As, Chennai is well developed now by many industrialists and government, Film Production Companies in Chennai are also rapidly increasing there.

Monday 3 April 2017

The Prominence of Advertising for Good Launch

Advertising plays a very prominent part in the promotion of any person, product or a company. It is through this that the phase of a company is decided. The market value of a company also depends upon the way the company is introduced to the public. This is where the advertising agency plays a prominent role. It is indeed a very important part of any company and many companies spend a fortune trying to get the best ad agencies to work with them to get the best launch possible into the market. Most of the companies have in house Advertising Agencies while the others tend to hire Agencies to get the work done.

An Advertisement designed for a specific company should be able to portray the idea of the company in a very different way so that the idea gets stuck through ads. These ads, when are brought in frequent number of times, gets registered in the brain  and in directly influence the buying choices of the targeted customers.

Image result for The Prominence of Advertising for Good Launch
There is a lot of difference between advertising and publicity. Please do not confuse Advertising with publicity. Here are a few major difference between publicity and advertising.Advertising always carries a positive message about your organisation because it is the content you pay for but publicity can be positive or negative because it comes from an impartial source. You have a lot of opportunities to show case your talent in advertising, but that’s not the same case with publicity.

Advertising always carries a positive message about your organisation because it is the content you pay for but publicity can be positive or negative because it comes from an impartial source. Most of the times in advertising social responsibility is ignored while in publicity special focus is given on social responsibility.If there is an person who is interested in advertising, please encourage them as there are now companies that are looking for new recruiters who are looking for candidates who are smart and witty and who could pull off the job, even if they are from another county soon.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media

Most of the business entrepreneurs believe that advertising on TV and Radio is beyond price range. But the fact is, advertising on local stations is an affordable one. Though the price range of national TV advertising is beyond the entrepreneur’s budgets, cost of advertising on cable television is affordable. It is important to remember by small-business owners that advertising on TV and radio generates more customers than any other type of advertising campaign. The key is to have a clear understanding of the market.

With proper planning small-business owners can approach broadcast advertising media for business promotion. It is also important to know more about media before reaching the broadcasting agency, and the only way for you to know about media is talking to a lot of people such as representatives from TV and radio stations, other business owners and your customers. Before going to understand the importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media, let us first know a few details about advertising on Radio and TV.

Advertising on Radio

Radio Advertising started from the year 1920, when so many non-profit organizations established their own radio stations including schools, clubs and civic groups. People were allowed to sponsor programs on Radio channels, whose business details will be mentioned at the beginning and at the end of the sponsored shows in exchange. Later Radio station owners allocated short duration of time to mention the business details of the person for an amount of money, when they realized that they could earn more money by selling the sponsorship rights in small time allocations, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single business per show. This method led to increase the competition among the sponsoring persons to purchase the small intervals of time during a show on Radio channels. However, advertising on Radio stations helped the business owners to get maximum exposure to their business, as there was no other media to influence the people like Radio. Though, the Radio broadcasting technology faced competition from other media such as Television. Advertising on Radio remained a good option for the small business owners.

Advertising on Television

The trend of advertising has changed after the invention of the Television.  Business owners started advertising on commercial television platforms in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The DuMont Television Network started the practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors in the early 1950s. The ‘DuMont Television Network’ began selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses to compensate the production cost of different programs shown on it. This eventually became the standard for the commercial television industry in the United States. This method led the business sponsors to get control over the content of the show. The sponsors got the control over Television Networks in such a way to write the show. Though advertising on Television became expensive due to increasing competition among the business owners. It remained as a better option for business owners.

Advertising on Radio or Television Networks is a best option for the small business owners also due to the competition between different Radio and Television Networks established in the last decade.

Though, there are different methods available to promote a business and practice advertising. TV and Radio became the two options that a small business owner having proper knowledge about them can practice advertising through them.