Monday 3 April 2017

The Prominence of Advertising for Good Launch

Advertising plays a very prominent part in the promotion of any person, product or a company. It is through this that the phase of a company is decided. The market value of a company also depends upon the way the company is introduced to the public. This is where the advertising agency plays a prominent role. It is indeed a very important part of any company and many companies spend a fortune trying to get the best ad agencies to work with them to get the best launch possible into the market. Most of the companies have in house Advertising Agencies while the others tend to hire Agencies to get the work done.

An Advertisement designed for a specific company should be able to portray the idea of the company in a very different way so that the idea gets stuck through ads. These ads, when are brought in frequent number of times, gets registered in the brain  and in directly influence the buying choices of the targeted customers.

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There is a lot of difference between advertising and publicity. Please do not confuse Advertising with publicity. Here are a few major difference between publicity and advertising.Advertising always carries a positive message about your organisation because it is the content you pay for but publicity can be positive or negative because it comes from an impartial source. You have a lot of opportunities to show case your talent in advertising, but that’s not the same case with publicity.

Advertising always carries a positive message about your organisation because it is the content you pay for but publicity can be positive or negative because it comes from an impartial source. Most of the times in advertising social responsibility is ignored while in publicity special focus is given on social responsibility.If there is an person who is interested in advertising, please encourage them as there are now companies that are looking for new recruiters who are looking for candidates who are smart and witty and who could pull off the job, even if they are from another county soon.

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