Saturday 4 March 2017

Creative and Clever Ideas for Outdoor Advertising

Most of the businesses need promotion to meet the objectives specified by the owners. Unless the product or service offered is from a branded business firm. Promotion can be done through marketing. Since marketing as a form of advertising concentrates on communicating the value of a product, service or brand to customers. Advertising plays key role in business promotion. Coming to the details of advertising, it can be mainly classified into two categories, traditional way of advertising and modern advertising. Advertising adopted several new methods and tack ticks due to the developments in communication technology. Advertising requires a medium to communicate the awareness message or idea that influences the targeted consumer or customer. There are different types of advertising methods in which outdoor advertising is the one practiced from ancient days after the invention of the concept of advertising.

Outdoor advertising is one of the advertising methods that reaches the consumer while they are outside the home. It is one of the advertising methods and techniques that can be practiced through traditional ways of advertising as well as modern way of advertising. Outdoor advertising is also considered as out of home advertising (or OOH advertising). It is possible to use advanced technology, techniques and ideas in outdoor advertising to communicate an awareness message to the consumer while they are outside the home..  We know that different types of advertising methods and techniques have been discovered by advertising  firms or agencies that concentrates on advertising different products and services of different business organizations or companies. There are few important things to be remembered by advertisers or advertising agencies to promote a business more effectively. Though advertising agencies concentrates to develop creative ideas to promote a product or service. Few of the creative and clever ideas to be followed in promoting a business through outdoor advertising includes billboard advertising. Billboard advertising is a traditional OOH advertising format, but there has been significant growth in digital OOH such as digital billboards and place-based networks, etc.

Since outdoor advertising is an incredibly rich and diverse medium that allows a very unique spectrum of creativity for designers. It is, must use billboards creatively in advertising campaigns. Few companies used buses in advertising campaigns, displaying catchy slogans, tags and captions. For example the tagline “Don’t turn the bus into a garbage truck” displayed on the billboards in a bus is one of the best creative smart and clever advertising messages in OOH advertising. Few companies used great techniques such as art photography also for OOH advertising. There is an another example of using creative tagline “It is best way of targeting the audience and promoting your Billboard advertisements” in which few letters were displaced. It attracted the attention of many people creating a memorable impression very quickly, leaving the reader thinking about the product and the way of advertising. Few of the advertising agencies considered the variation of perception of vision and sound with respect to age in human beings for OOH advertising. 3D CamCarpets were also used in more than 15 different sports worldwide. In football alone, more than 500 football clubs worldwide have discovered the great effect of 3D Cam Carpets to gain increased sponsor exposure and to increase club revenue.

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