Thursday 2 March 2017

Importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media

Most of the business entrepreneurs believe that advertising on TV and Radio is beyond price range. But the fact is, advertising on local stations is an affordable one. Though the price range of national TV advertising is beyond the entrepreneur’s budgets, cost of advertising on cable television is affordable. It is important to remember by small-business owners that advertising on TV and radio generates more customers than any other type of advertising campaign. The key is to have a clear understanding of the market.

With proper planning small-business owners can approach broadcast advertising media for business promotion. It is also important to know more about media before reaching the broadcasting agency, and the only way for you to know about media is talking to a lot of people such as representatives from TV and radio stations, other business owners and your customers. Before going to understand the importance of Radio and TV in today’s advertising media, let us first know a few details about advertising on Radio and TV.

Advertising on Radio

Radio Advertising started from the year 1920, when so many non-profit organizations established their own radio stations including schools, clubs and civic groups. People were allowed to sponsor programs on Radio channels, whose business details will be mentioned at the beginning and at the end of the sponsored shows in exchange. Later Radio station owners allocated short duration of time to mention the business details of the person for an amount of money, when they realized that they could earn more money by selling the sponsorship rights in small time allocations, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single business per show. This method led to increase the competition among the sponsoring persons to purchase the small intervals of time during a show on Radio channels. However, advertising on Radio stations helped the business owners to get maximum exposure to their business, as there was no other media to influence the people like Radio. Though, the Radio broadcasting technology faced competition from other media such as Television. Advertising on Radio remained a good option for the small business owners.

Advertising on Television

The trend of advertising has changed after the invention of the Television.  Business owners started advertising on commercial television platforms in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The DuMont Television Network started the practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors in the early 1950s. The ‘DuMont Television Network’ began selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses to compensate the production cost of different programs shown on it. This eventually became the standard for the commercial television industry in the United States. This method led the business sponsors to get control over the content of the show. The sponsors got the control over Television Networks in such a way to write the show. Though advertising on Television became expensive due to increasing competition among the business owners. It remained as a better option for business owners.

Advertising on Radio or Television Networks is a best option for the small business owners also due to the competition between different Radio and Television Networks established in the last decade.

Though, there are different methods available to promote a business and practice advertising. TV and Radio became the two options that a small business owner having proper knowledge about them can practice advertising through them.

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